Did they find benzene in the swimming pool water at Edison High School?
No, benzene was not detected in the pool water at Edison High School. Benzene is listed as a Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) on the test results.
What is a Laboratory Control Sample?
A Laboratory Control Sample is used as part of the laboratory quality control procedures to assure testing is properly performed and that test results are reliable. Chemicals in defined amounts are included in the LCS to confirm the testing equipment is working properly. The chemicals used in the LCS are prepared and certified by an accredited outside agency.
The laboratory that conducted the test of the swimming pool water for the City of Huntington Beach used the EPA 500 Series Method, a method designed to identify and quantify organic compounds in municipal drinking water in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Are there chemicals in the pool water that exceed safe levels?
The testing conducted by Sierra Analytical—an environmental laboratory certified by the Department of Health Services—found no chemicals that exceeded drinking water standards. Drinking water standards are known as Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and listed in Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.
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