Field work at the Ascon Landfill Site during the week of September 2 is planned to include:
- Final removal of any existing chain link fence and use of temporary fence in preparation for installation of 16-foot barrier fence along residential-facing public streets Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street; there is additional onsite security during this work
- Temporary lane adjustment on Hamilton Avenue and temporary lane closure on Magnolia Street to allow for crane placement of concrete base and fence panels for 16-foot barrier fence, during the hours of 9 am to 3 pm
- Dust and odor mitigation measures continue to be implemented
- Air quality monitoring continues
- Weed abatement and removal as necessary
- 24-hour onsite security continues
- No work will be conducted at Ascon on the Labor Day holiday, September 2
As noted on the graphic below, the 16-foot fence will be installed along the northeast corner of the Ascon Landfill Site after the official restart of remedial excavation work. This is due to the limited space between the edge of the landfill and the intersection signal, which will require some excavation to allow placement of the concrete base and fence panel installation.
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Please contact the Ascon community information line at 714-388-1825 or email If there is a potential emergency, please call 911. Sign up for AsconAlert, an opt-in community alert system for the Ascon project here.
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