Concrete base for the 16-foot barrier fence along Magnolia Street was placed the week of September 16. Fence panels will be installed on Magnolia Street starting the week of September 23.
  • Installation of 16-foot barrier fence along Magnolia Street
  • Temporary vehicle lane and bike lane closure on Magnolia Street, during the hours of 9 am to 3 pm
  • Routine groundwater monitoring testing, including two monitoring wells in Edison Park, a well located in the residential neighborhood east of Ascon, a well located off Magnolia Street south of Ascon, and a well located west of Ascon. Data from groundwater monitoring will be submitted to the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and later posted on Envirostor.
  • Dust and odor mitigation measures continue to be implemented
  • Air quality monitoring continues
  • Weed abatement and removal as necessary
  • 24-hour onsite security continues

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