Portions of traffic lanes on Hamilton Ave. and Magnolia Street will be closed to traffic during the next phase of work at the northeastern corner of the Site beginning on Monday, 1/13, and potentially going through to Wednesday, 1/22. These closures will be from approximately 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. during workdays. There will be traffic personnel, signage and cones in the area supporting this closure and work.


  • FIELD WORK: Work to install the 16-foot barrier fence in the northeast corner of the Site continues. Work to complete the barrier fence includes excavation and grading in the northeast corner area and then the installation of the actual barrier fence. There will be lane closures and traffic control personnel at the corner of Magnolia St. and Hamilton Ave. this week during the installation work, as shown above.

    Personnel may be seen conducting monitoring, maintenance and general work across the Site in addition to the northeast corner.

    The Ascon information table will be set up in Edison Park across from the Site during northeast corner work and offsite air monitoring technicians, in an Ascon labeled orange safety vest, will be monitoring outside the Site during active excavation work.


    • DTSC is the lead regulatory agency for the Ascon project and conducts inspections at Ascon. Their inspection reports can be found on the online DTSC database, Envirostor.
    • The City of Huntington Beach continues its regular stormwater inspections of Ascon. Ascon remains in compliance with stormwater pollution prevention requirements.
    • Regular inspections are conducted by Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District of the onsite detention basins and other areas of the Ascon Site where water may be detained. Active mitigation measures are implemented by Vector Control to protect the community, as well as onsite workers, from mosquitoes with the goal of preventing vector-borne diseases.
  • SECURITY: 24-hour, 7 days per week, onsite security continues during construction activities. Security is not always visible at the entrance gates. Unannounced visitors without official business or agency oversight of Ascon are not permitted to enter the Site. Trespassers will be reported to the Huntington Beach Police Department and DTSC.

    You may see: You may see flashlights or headlights from vehicles after dark concluding daily activities and providing security at the 38-acre Site.

    In an emergency: If you see or hear something that appears urgent, please call the Huntington Beach Police Department at 911 first, then the Ascon community information line, 714-388-1825. Calls to the Ascon information line are automatically logged and relayed by text and email to the Ascon team.


Dust and total VOC monitoring is conducted 24/7 at upwind and downwind stations on the Ascon Site documenting effective dust control measures. This is in addition to 24/7 air monitoring at the neighborhood stations.

Where to find air monitoring data and live stream weather: Sitewide and live streaming weather conditions from the Ascon site are found on the Actively Monitoring Air Quality page on asconhb.com. Onsite and offsite monitoring begins this week. To view archived air monitoring results posted by DTSC on Envirostor — including weekly field inspections by DTSC that include air monitoring observations — click on “Community Involvement Documents” and scroll to “Updates and Information.”


SEE SOMETHING? HAVE A QUESTION? Call our information line: 714-388-1825 or email us at info@asconhb.com

DRONES: Drone flights over Ascon can create worker and Site safety issues. Please don’t fly drones over sensitive onsite equipment and the power lines along the perimeter of Ascon. We appreciate the community’s assistance.

ENTRANCE AND EXIT GATES: Entering the Ascon site is prohibited to those who are not authorized. The community is asked to keep a safe distance from both entrance and exit gates at Ascon, and refrain from parking, walking, or standing in these areas. The gates on Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue may open unexpectedly for workers and site inspections, as well as supply delivery and removal.

PEDESTRIANS: Your safety is important! Pedestrians have been observed walking next to Ascon along Magnolia and Hamilton streets (adjacent to the concrete fence base where there currently is no sidewalk). We encourage pedestrians to observe public pathway signage and use the sidewalks on the east side of Magnolia and the north side of Hamilton.

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