To our neighbors and our community, we wish you a happy Passover and Easter weekend.

The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has permitted a brief pause on daily air sampling and monitoring both onsite and at offsite locations to allow our personnel to be with their families, beginning this morning and over the weekend. The air sampling and monitoring will resume at 7 am, Monday, April 13.

Ascon air monitoring results remain well below health-protective screening levels. Current field work, as well as prior field work at Ascon, presents no risk to public health.

For more information about Ascon’s air monitoring and data sharing, please visit Actively Monitoring Air Quality on this website. This data also is submitted to DTSC and shared on their online document archive, Envirostor. To view archived air monitoring results posted by DTSC on Envirostor, click on “Community Involvement Documents” and scroll to “Updates and Information”.

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