The Ascon project values the input from our neighbors and the community. Nothing is more important to our team than the health and safety of the Huntington Beach community as we work toward the cleanup of the Ascon Landfill Site.
During the demobilization of the cleanup of the former Pit F, a worker did not follow the improved practices at Ascon during application of Posi-shell® with a hose. Posi-shell® is a non-toxic slurry of clay and plant material which is sprayed onto excavated surfaces as a sealant. From a distance it can look like muddy water during its application and dries to a hardened crust to prevent erosion and potential odor. Posi-shell® is used on cleanup sites throughout California, including those in urban and rural areas.
Your input in action
A couple nearby neighbors noticed the activity and called. Here’s what happened next:
- A stop work was implemented onsite
- Workers were informed of the concern and instructed on how to proceed
- The entire Ascon team was informed
- In follow up, an all-hands meeting was called to discuss work practices and expectations at Ascon on behalf of our neighbors
- New procedures are being implemented regarding this specific activity. This includes engineering controls, a change in the equipment, administrative oversight controls, and required training specific to Ascon before this activity can be performed
How you can help us work with you
We can respond faster to your concerns with a call at the time of your concern to the Ascon information line, 714-388-1825. An operator will ask for your name, contact information, and location (address or street). An Ascon team member will follow up quickly by phone.
The Ascon team onsite and offsite receives immediate alerts when there are calls to our information line with the caller’s concern. Identical notifications are received at the same time by DTSC and SCAQMD. Calling at the time you have a concern helps us respond and make changes quickly.
We are committed to listening to and working with our neighbors as we proceed with the cleanup of Ascon. Call us at 714-388-1825 or email us at if you need more information.
DRONES: The community is asked to not fly drones over the Ascon Site and over the Pit F tent during this work. This could create worker and Site safety issues. We appreciate the community’s assistance by preventing drone flights over the occupied tent structure, sensitive equipment onsite, and moving vehicles and workers conducting work onsite, as well as the power lines along the perimeter of Ascon.
ENTRANCE AND EXIT GATES: The community is asked to keep a safe distance from both entrance and exit gates at Ascon, and refrain from parking, walking, or standing in these areas. The exit gate on Magnolia Street may open unexpectedly for departing vehicles during Pit F work. There will be a flag person at the gate when vehicles are departing, as a public safety practice.
PEDESTRIANS: Pedestrians have been observed walking next to Ascon along Magnolia and Hamilton streets next to the concrete fence base where there currently is no sidewalk. We encourage pedestrians to use the sidewalks on the east side of Magnolia and the north side of Hamilton to avoid walking near or in front of entrance and exit gates.
PHYSICAL DISTANCING: Work at Ascon is being conducted under Site safety protocols regarding COVID-19 and ongoing protocols and procedures to maintain job safety. These practices apply to air quality professionals and other team members who may be outside the fence conducting work. We ask for the community’s support of these safety practices by maintaining physical distancing to allow these professionals to focus on their work and stay safe.
Have a Question or Concern?
Please contact the Ascon community information line at 714-388-1825 or email If there is a potential emergency, please call 911. Sign up for AsconAlert, an opt-in community alert system for the Ascon project here.
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