There will be a temporary shutdown of field activities at the Ascon Landfill Site. The project team will announce when field activities are expected to resume, with concurrence by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).

The Ascon Landfill Site project team announced on June 3 the construction of a taller barrier fence, which we anticipate should begin being installed the week of June 10, subject to City permits. Ascon Landfill Site also previously announced a temporary shut down through the end of the school year in June for Edison High School.

During this time, there will be a continued presence onsite to conduct dust and odor measures, site security and site maintenance. We expect the taller barrier fence construction, as well as the establishment of a third party technical advisor. The project team fully supports a third party technical advisor for the community to help the public better understand the project and field actions.

The Ascon Landfill Site team takes the public concerns very seriously. We support actions that maintain a safe environmental cleanup and we support actions that help the public better understand the work being conducted.

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