The Ascon Landfill Site project has implemented a temporary shutdown of excavation activities to establish enhanced mitigation measures, in compliance with direction from the lead regulatory agency, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).
DTSC states that “monitoring has not found any chemicals in the air above a level that causes public health concern.” The enhanced mitigation actions being implemented address odor concerns and help answer questions from the community about the final cleanup.
The Ascon Landfill Site team takes public concerns very seriously. We support actions that maintain a safe environmental cleanup and we support actions that help the public better understand the work being conducted.
A temporary shutdown of excavation activities was announced by the Ascon project on Thursday, June 6, 2019, until the end of the school year for Edison High School, as well as the construction during the shutdown of a taller barrier fence along Magnolia and Hamilton streets, and support and funding of a third-party technical advisor. DTSC extended the temporary shutdown to allow time to implement enhanced mitigation actions during the final cleanup of the 81-year-old Ascon Landfill Site.
The Ascon project team will work with DTSC, the City of Huntington Beach, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and the Huntington Beach Unified High School District (HBUHSD) regarding actions directed by DTSC on June 12, 2019, which include:
- Construction during the shutdown of the taller barrier fence along Magnolia and Hamilton streets announced by the project team on June 6.
- Establishment of a third-party technical advisor, under the management of the City of Huntington Beach.
- Investigation of the feasibility of additional tenting or enclosure in excavation areas that have potential to produce more odors.
- Cover or solidify impacted soil in excavation areas, in addition to mitigation measures already conducted.
- Monitoring of additional heavy metals, in addition to metals currently included in the air monitoring program.
- Additional offsite air quality monitoring, including at nearby schools, and a review of air quality monitoring validation methodologies which confirm monitoring data.
- Analysis of onsite concrete to address community concerns regarding potential asbestos.
- A complaint and response protocol, to formalize DTSC and project team actions already implemented in response to community concerns.
Some actions are already in progress, such as construction of the taller barrier fence during the shutdown. Some require additional development with the DTSC technical team, prior to specific details being available. During the shutdown, field actions including air quality monitoring, dust and odor mitigation, regular site inspection, and 24-hour site security will be conducted. There also will be delivery of equipment required for future cleanup work activities and activity regarding additional analysis of onsite materials.
While the Ascon project team is working to implement these actions, it is anticipated the shutdown will remain in place for at least 30 days. Updates on the current actions and the status of the final cleanup will be posted when available on the project website,
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