The Future of the Site

Rendering of Ascon Site at the corner of Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue after completion of the final cleanup.
Rendering of Ascon Site at the corner of Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue after completion of the final cleanup.

Following completion of the cleanup work and installation of an environmental cap, the property will be fenced open space. The Site will be planted with drought-tolerant, flowering vegetation native to California, with new residential-quality fencing along Magnolia and Hamilton streets.

To protect the community, the Ascon Site will be maintained, including groundwater monitoring, periodic maintenance of the vegetated cover and Site security. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) will conduct annual inspections.

There are no development plans for the Site. If a proposed use or development in some form is considered in future years, this will require review by the City of Huntington Beach and other agencies, with public input and DTSC involvement.

Future Plantings

The following are some of the native, drought-tolerant plantings that are planned for the Site.
