Community Air Quality Monitoring trailers are fully enclosed and identified with Ascon project contact information.
The Ascon Landfill Site is subject to a State of California permit relating to storm water management and will undertake winterizing actions using best management practices.
You will see:
- Secured, closed trailers with air quality monitoring equipment housed inside
- Trailers are identified with signage providing the Ascon project website,, and hotline number, 714-388-1825
- Daily visits by air quality techniciansThese activities will not involve ground-intrusion work.
- Edison High School and John H. Eader Elementary School
- Edison Park near Magnolia Fire Station
- Public residential streets of Rhodesia Drive and Breton Lane (east and north of the landfill)
What are you sampling?
The community air quality monitoring stations will sample air for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and “total dust”, also known as PM10. The community air quality monitoring stations are in addition to current air quality monitoring and sampling stations placed at locations within the Ascon site. There also is real-time air quality monitoring in active work zones during active cleanup and excavation work.
Where can I see air monitoring data?
Air quality monitoring data are posted on the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) website, On Envirostor, enter “Ascon Landfill Site” for the project web pages. Click on the “Community Involvement” tab near the top of the web page for Ascon, then scroll down to “Updates and Information” to find DTSC field inspections and air quality data.
How do I interpret the data?
Additional information to help understand air quality data will be available at Both the Ascon project team and DTSC can help explain air quality monitoring data. Please call the project hotline at 714-388-1825 with any questions or to arrange for an overview.
What can affect the data?
Activity at nearby construction or industrial facilities can produce chemicals or dust that will be detected by air quality monitoring.
Community air quality monitoring stations may pick up air quality variations from neighborhood or school activities such as leaf blowers, renovation projects, painting, parking lot or road resurfacing, roof tar, and vehicle emissions. On windy days, beach sand may be detected by monitors. Air quality technicians and the Ascon field team watch for these activities as part of their oversight.
The community can help by calling the project hotline to report activities observed near offsite air quality monitoring stations that may affect air monitoring, 714-388-1825.
Call 911 if you see tampering:
The community air quality stations are being installed to provide additional assurance for residents with additional air quality data, and will be monitored. The community is asked to call 911 to report tampering or vandalism of the air quality monitoring trailers, which impacts data collection.
Have a Question or Concern?
Please contact the Ascon community information line at 714-388-1825 or email If there is a potential emergency, please call 911. Sign up for AsconAlert, an opt-in community alert system for the Ascon project here.
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