The north berm of Ascon is parallel to Hamilton Avenue and across from Edison Park, with the area of concern adjacent to the white car. This aerial photograph was taken in November 2019, prior to the onsite professional team first noting tension cracking in the earthen berm at the end of December 2019.
Field work at the Ascon Landfill Site during the week of March 30 is planned to include:
DTSC ONLINE DISCUSSION: Please join DTSC for an ONLINE discussion at 1:30 pm, Thursday, April 2, about proposed emergency berm repair work at the Ascon Landfill Site. For more details go to: Stabilization of North Berm.
HAMILTON AVENUE: Traffic barriers were placed on the south side of Hamilton Avenue beginning March 13 to prevent pedestrian and bicycle access adjacent to the 16-foot barrier fence. This action was taken in an abundance of caution due to cracking of the earthen berm parallel to Hamilton Avenue (more information under “Northern Zone” below).
NORTHERN ZONE: Twenty-four hour inspection is ongoing for an unexcavated area of Ascon’s earthen berm parallel to Hamilton Avenue which is experiencing tension cracks. An electronic geotechnical stability monitor and notification system was installed on the berm to alert the technical team in real time should there be slippage of berm soils, replacing a prior low-tech slope monitoring system. Future action is anticipated in this area to stabilize the 70-year-old berm. Nine potential berm repair or stabilization options were submitted to DTSC for review and direction.
A reinforced plastic cover is placed over this area in advance of rain, with inspections after rain events. This precaution has been implemented before prior rain events, following the first observation of cracking and notification to DTSC in January.
ONSITE AND OFFSITE: Sampling for the ongoing groundwater monitoring program was conducted on Thursday, March 26, including at offsite monitoring well locations in the community both north and east of Ascon. Results of all groundwater sampling are provided to DTSC.
SITEWIDE: Stormwater management is subject to inspection by the City stormwater inspector, with the next monthly inspection this week on April 3.
Ascon conducts stormwater inspections in advance of forecasted rain as an ongoing essential activity which continues under the current State executive order. Rain-related activity may include pumping out stormwater from onsite some ponded areas to other areas of the Ascon site.
There will be continued inspection and maintenance of stormwater management measures to maintain compliance with Ascon stormwater permit.
- Learn more about stormwater management at Ascon on under the Our Safety Commitment tab. Click on “Learn More” to read the explainer.
SITEWIDE AND OFFSITE: Air quality monitoring continues, both on the Ascon site and at offsite community locations. Air quality monitoring data are posted under the Actively Monitoring Air Quality tab and also on the Ascon Landfill Site web page on the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) website, Envirostor.
SITEWIDE: Removal of bins with soil from recent hydrant installation for proper disposal.
INTERIOR: Laboratory sampling and inspection of SCAQMD Rule 1166 treatment cell will be conducted to maintain treatment cell integrity and compliance with permit conditions.
EASTERN ZONE: Regular inspection of the “Pit F” tent will be conducted.
SITEWIDE: Weed abatement will be conducted as needed throughout the Site as part of stormwater management and fire protection. Plant overgrowth is removed near silt fences as part of necessary weed abatement, leaving roots in place to help prevent erosion.
Equipment used for this work may include:
- Small power equipment, such as a weed wacker or mower
SITEWIDE: Dust and odor mitigation measures continue to be implemented. This includes applying a non-toxic odor suppressant material in excavated and graded zones which forms a hard clay-based shell, covering excavated materials with reinforced plastic covers, and also use of a water truck to mist interior roadways and areas where field work is occurring. Learn more about these ongoing activities and other activities conducted to maintain a safe cleanup project under the Our Safety Commitment tab.
SITEWIDE: Soil sealant will be applied to access and interior roads as a routine dust control action.
HAMILTON AND MAGNOLIA STREETS: Workers will conduct routine cleanup and removal of trash and debris thrown at and between the concrete base for the 16-foot fence around the outside of Ascon.
SITEWIDE: Supplies needed for ongoing Site maintenance may be expected for delivery.
SITEWIDE: 24-hour onsite security continues.
Have a Question or Concern?
Please contact the Ascon community information line at 714-388-1825 or email [email protected]. If there is a potential emergency, please call 911. Sign up for AsconAlert, an opt-in community alert system for the Ascon project here.
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