Workers are distributing and hand-placing sand bags throughout the 38-acre Ascon site as part of rainy season “winterizing” activities. This is an action considered a best management practice for stormwater management and is in compliance with the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board permit.
Field work at the Ascon Landfill Site during the week of October 28 is planned to include:
- Soil sampling in the north east corner near the Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street intersection to confirm the nature of the materials, screen for total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and determine the potential for the materials to produce odor. Samples will be collected via hand-auger borings in nineteen locations. (For more information, please see the Work Notice on the home page of and the October 25 post on Project Updates)
- “Winterizing” field activity to prepare the Site for the winter rainy season by implementing best management practices for stormwater management, in compliance with the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board permit (For more information, please see the October 8 post on Project Updates)
- Delivery of supplies for winterizing field activities
- Dust and odor mitigation measures continue to be implemented
- Air quality monitoring continues
- Weed abatement and removal as necessary
- 24-hour onsite security continues
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