Field work at the Ascon Landfill Site during the week of July 6:
AIR MONITORING RESUMES: The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) permitted a brief pause on daily air sampling and monitoring both onsite and at offsite locations to allow our personnel to be with their families, beginning Thursday, July 2 at approximately 7 am and over the weekend. Air sampling and monitoring resumed at approximately 7 am, Monday, July 6.
For more information about Ascon’s air monitoring and data sharing, please visit Actively Monitoring Air Quality on this website. Data are submitted to DTSC and shared on their online document archive, Envirostor. To view archived air monitoring results posted by DTSC on Envirostor, click on “Community Involvement Documents” and scroll to “Updates and Information”.
SAFETY MESSAGE: Work at Ascon is being conducted under Site safety protocols regarding COVID-19. These practices also apply to air quality professionals and other team members who may be outside the fence conducting work and at air monitoring locations in the community. We ask for the community’s support of these safety practices by maintaining physical distancing to allow these professionals to focus on their work and stay safe.
SITEWIDE: Regular inspections are conducted by Orange County Vector Control of the onsite detention basins and other areas of the Ascon site where water may be detained. These inspections typically are conducted monthly. Active mitigation measures by Vector Control are protective of the community, as well as onsite workers, to prevent mosquitoes and other pests.
SITEWIDE: Stormwater management is subject to inspection by the City stormwater inspector. Ascon conducts stormwater inspections in advance of forecasted rain as an ongoing essential activity which continues under the current State executive order. There will be continued inspection and maintenance of stormwater management measures to maintain compliance with Ascon’s stormwater permit.
- Learn more about stormwater management at Ascon on under the Our Safety Commitment Click on “Learn More” to read the explainer.
SITEWIDE WEED ABATEMENT: Weed abatement is conducted as needed as part of ongoing stormwater management and fire protection.
Equipment used for this work may include:
- Small power equipment, such as a weed wacker or mower.
EASTERN ZONE: Regular inspection of the “Pit F” tent will be conducted.
SITEWIDE: Dust and odor mitigation measures continue to be implemented as needed during remedial work suspension.
SITEWIDE: An office trailer used during active field work is planned to be removed from Ascon on Tuesday, July 7, using the gate off Hamilton Avenue. Supplies needed for ongoing Site maintenance may be delivered.
SITEWIDE: 24-hour onsite security continues.
Have a Question or Concern?
Please contact the Ascon community information line at 714-388-1825 or email If there is a potential emergency, please call 911. Sign up for AsconAlert, an opt-in community alert system for the Ascon project here.
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