The Ascon information line frequently receives calls when there is odor in the general area of southeast Huntington Beach that are not related to Ascon. There is a potential for odor when the current “red tide” (an algae bloom) being reported off our coastline begins to die off. This occurred in May 2020 when there was a noticeable red tide that created bioluminescence in the evening. The Ascon project did receive calls when people began to notice the odor. At that time, a biologist with Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, described the odor as a “sulfurous, rotten, decaying” odor. Some people may be more sensitive to this odor.

There currently is no field activity at Ascon—with the exception of monitoring, maintenance and inspections—as technical exchanges on the plan for the remainder of the cleanup are finalized with DTSC. Air monitoring continues 24/7. When you call our information line, we will continue to inform you of what we may know about potential causes of odor in the neighborhoods near the Site. If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to call our information line at 714-388-1825 or email us at info@asconhb.com.

Ascon Information Line



    • City of Huntington Beach continues its regular stormwater inspections of Ascon. Ascon remains in compliance with stormwater pollution prevention requirements. The latest inspection occurred April 13.
    • Regular inspections are conducted by Orange County Vector Control of the onsite detention basins and other areas of the Ascon site where water may be detained. Active mitigation measures by Vector Control are protective of the community, as well as onsite workers, to prevent mosquitoes and other pests.
  • MAINTENANCE: Regular maintenance will be conducted within the Site and around the perimeter fence areas, including gate areas.

  • SECURITY: 24-hour onsite security continues. Security is not always visible at the entrance gates. In addition to 24/7 onsite security, there are regular visits by air quality technicians, Site inspectors, and Site maintenance personnel. Unannounced visitors without official business or agency oversight of Ascon are not permitted to enter the Site. Trespassers will be reported to the Huntington Beach Police Department and DTSC.

    You may see: You may see flashlights or headlights from a limited number of vehicles at night conducting inspections and providing security at the 38-acre Site.


    • Bonfires in beach fire pits at Huntington State Beach and can generate a smoky odor, sometimes noticeable in the Ascon neighborhood.
    • There are automobile storage activities that may generate noise or dust unrelated to Ascon at the former tank farm property, south of Ascon and adjacent to Magnolia Street.
    • Orange County Public Works has planned work on the Sheet Pile Repair Project in the Huntington Beach Channel, south and southwest of Ascon, and the Talbert Channel, east of Ascon, which is expected to be an intermittent activity over the next two years.


Air monitoring continues 24/7 both on the Ascon Site and at community locations, which includes dust data at upwind and downwind stations on the Ascon Site documenting effective dust control measures.

Where to find 24/7 air monitoring data and live stream weather: Sitewide and neighborhood air monitoring data and live streaming weather conditions from the Ascon site are found on the Actively Monitoring Air Quality page on asconhb.com. Data are first analyzed by a certified outside laboratory, then validated, and then submitted to DTSC and shared on their online document database, Envirostor. To view archived air monitoring results posted by DTSC on Envirostor — including weekly field inspections by DTSC that include air quality checks — click on “Community Involvement Documents” and scroll to “Updates and Information.”


SEE SOMETHING? HAVE A QUESTION? Call our information line: 714-388-1825 or email us at info@asconhb.com

DRONES: The community is asked to not fly drones over the Ascon when there is active work. This could create worker and Site safety issues. We appreciate the community’s assistance by preventing drone flights over sensitive onsite equipment and the power lines along the perimeter of Ascon.

ENTRANCE AND EXIT GATES: Entering the Ascon site is prohibited to those who are not authorized. The community is asked to keep a safe distance from both entrance and exit gates at Ascon, and refrain from parking, walking, or standing in these areas. The gates on Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue may open unexpectedly for workers conducting air monitoring and site inspections, as well as supply delivery and removal.

PEDESTRIANS: Your safety is important! Pedestrians have been observed walking next to Ascon along Magnolia and Hamilton streets next to the concrete fence base where there currently is no sidewalk. We encourage pedestrians to observe public pathway signage and use the sidewalks on the east side of Magnolia and the north side of Hamilton.

PHYSICAL DISTANCING: Work at Ascon is being conducted under Site safety protocols regarding COVID-19 and ongoing protocols and procedures to maintain job safety. These practices apply to air quality professionals and other team members who may be outside the fence conducting work. We ask for the community’s support of these safety practices by maintaining physical distancing to allow these professionals to focus on their work and stay safe.

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